Tina Brenneisen
Tina Brenneisen, born in Dresden, studied psychology and philosophy at the TU Dresden and FU Berlin. She lives and works as a comicartist and cartoonist in Berlin and is the founder of Parallelallee, a small independent publishing house of comics. In 2017 she won the Comic Book Prize of the Berthold Leibinger Foundation for the still unpublished work "Das Licht, das Schatten leert" (published in 2019 in Edition Moderne) and was nominated for the Max und Moritz Award in 2020. She is the author of "Das gelbe Pony" (2017) and "Bergstraße 68" (2019, with Veronica Solomon) and "True Stories" (2022) und also nominated in this year for Max und Moritz Award with her current comic "Oblomowa".
Tina Brenneisen's websiteParallelallee websiteTina Brenneisen and Edition Moderne