Hannah Brinkmann
Hannah Brinkmann, born in 1990 in Hamburg, studied graphic storytelling at the University of Applied Sciences under Anke Feuchtenberger with stays abroad at the Shenkar School of Engineering and Design in Tel Aviv and the EESI in Angoulême. In 2017, she was part of the Sitka Fellows Programme in Alaska, where she began research for her first graphic novel ‘Against My Conscience’. In 2018, she was able to complete this research as part of a three-month fellowship at the Library Innovation Lab at Harvard Law School. Her debut, which was nominated for the Leibinger Prize and published by avant-verlag in 2020, explores the fate of her uncle, which made headlines across Germany in the 1970s and triggered a debate about the legality of conscientious objection to military service. She is represented in the anthology ‘Gerne würdest du allen so viel sagen’ (avant-verlag, 2023) with the short story ‘Hitler vor Gericht’. Her comics have appeared in Strapazin, TAZ and Tagesspiegel, among others. Hannah Brinkmann is one of the initiators of the project "Wie geht es dir? Zeichner*innen gegen Antisemitismus, Hass und Rassismus" (How are you? Illustrators against antisemitism, hatred and racism).
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