Peter Engel
Peter Engel studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg and has been a freelance artist, set designer and illustrator since 1995. He lives and works in Regensburg and has been enriching the local and national art scene for over two decades. Since 1996, Peter Engel has been developing stage sets for many theaters at home and abroad. His award-winning art has a high recognition value, which is particularly evident in the 17 titles that he has published so far in the publishers house of edition buntehunde. Particularly well-known are the picture books "Das große Theater", "Regensburg Wimmelbuch", "Nürnberg Wimmrlbuch", and "München wimmelt!" and “Salzburg Wimmelbuch”, wordless picturebooks, so to say, internationally "readable". All drawn in his very own cartoonish style. In 2023, Peter was awarded the major “Culture Prize of the City of Regensburg” for his life’s work.