Hamed Eshrat
Hamed Eshrat was born in Tehran in 1979 and studied visual communication at the Kunsthochschule Berlin and Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand. Eshrat's German debut "Venustransit" is set in Berlin, was published by avant-verlag in 2015 and was selected as one of the ten finalists for the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung's German Comic Book Prize. This was followed in 2018 by the historical comic "Nieder mit Hitler!", based on a scenario by historian Jochen Voit, about a previously unknown resister in the Third Reich. Four years later, Eshrat's third and most personal comic, "Coming of H", was published by avant-verlag. It is an autobiographical story about growing up in the German provinces and was also selected as a finalist for the Leibinger Comic Book Prize. "Coming of H" not only offers a fascinating journey into the author's youth, but also provides a perspective on the experiences of exiles in Germany.