Prekäre Existenzen: Artenschutzprogramm für deutschsprachige Comicverlage?

© Georg Pöhlein

Friday, May 31 2024
12:00 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Stefan Dinter (Zwerchfell), Axel Halling (Deutscher Comicverein), Julia Marti (Edition Moderne) and Andreas Mergenthaler (Cross Cult); Moderation: Lars von Törne

Independent comic publishers in the German-speaking region face challenges, even though their works are celebrated in the feuilleton. Recently, Zwerchfell ceased its operations, Reprodukt and Edition Moderne could only continue with the help of crowdfunding. Cross Cult, on the other hand, focuses on diversification through manga and novels. Lars von Törne discusses with representatives from publishing houses and Axel Halling from the German Comics Association how to navigate through difficult times and whether there is a need for business support programs.