Edition Alfons

Foto von Edition Alfons Messestand
Foto von Edition Alfons Messestand
© Edition Alfons, 2022

Verlag Volker Hamann
Heederbrook 4e, 25355 Barmstedt
Tel. +49 41 23 / 92 10 33

Hall AStand35

Fair Exhibitor

Since 1984, Edition Alfons has published "Reddition", one of the oldest publications on comics in Europe. The magazine, which was awarded the Max und Moritz award in 2002, publishes articles and dossiers on a wide range of topics. Since 2012, Edition Alfons has also published the magazine "Alfons - Der Comicreporter". The quarterly publication provides critical and entertaining coverage of trends and new releases. The portfolio is complemented by "Camp", the magazine for comics, illustration and trivia culture, as well as specialist publications.