Robin Schicha
© Robin Schicha
Gneisenaustr. 105, 47057 Duisburg
Tel. +49 20 3 / 33 10 10
Hall DStand125
Small Exhibitor
Robin Schicha, born in 1990, has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design (University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf) and a Bachelor in Art Education (TU Dortmund). He is currently studying for his Masters in Art at the UDE Essen. He lives as a writer and freelance artist in Duisburg. His drawings have been exhibited and awarded prizes in Cologne, Berlin, Leipzig, Hanover, Düsseldorf, Essen, Kassel, Koblenz and Duisburg. His previous books are "Außerirdische Reportagen vom Schulalltag" and "Autistische Gestalter und Gestalterinnen".