Ingrid Sabisch

© Ingrid Sabisch
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Ingrid Sabisch was born in Nuremberg in 1972 and currently lives there, too. She's a free illustrator and drawer of comics and graphic novels. Her main focus lies on historical themes and autobiographic comics. Published: "Albrecht Dürer – Vom Handwerker zum Gelehrten" (publisher: die Heldin, 2003), "Schwangerschaftsstreifen" (Schwarzer Turm, 2003), "Mythos Mutti" (Schwarzer Turm, 2008), "41,3 kg – Magersucht?" (Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2011), "Willy Brandt. Sein Leben als Comic" (drawings, text: H. Lünstedt, Knesebeck, 2013), "Sophie Scholl - Die Comic-Biografie" (drawings, text: H. Lünstedt, Knesebeck, 2015), „Mythos Mutti – Wir üben noch“ (Schwarzer Turm, 2017), „Ich, mein Schatten und das volle Leben“ (Drawings: I.Sabisch, Text: Brigitte Endres, Bayer Vital, 2019). She drew the graphic novels for the Bavarian Parliament's exhibition Orte der Demokratie in Bayern (democratic stations in Bavaria).

Ingrid Sabisch's websiteOrte der Demokratie in Bayern