Uli Oesterle

Photo of Uli Oesterle
Photo of Uli Oesterle
© Frank Bauer / www.frankbauer.com
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Uli Oesterle, born in Karlsruhe in 1966, has been working as a freelance illustrator, graphic artist and comic author for Heye/Athesia Verlag and Süddeutsche Zeitung, among others, since training as a graphic artist at the Akademie für Gestaltung in Munich in the early 1990s. For the first chapter of his comic narrative "Hector Umbra", Oesterle received the ICOM Independent Comic Award in 2004, and the entire story was nominated for both the Max und Moritz Award and the prestigious Festival de la Band Dessinée D'Angouleme Award in 2010. Even before its publication, his current work "Vatermilch" was awarded the Comic Book Prize of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung. In 2018, the City of Munich honoured Uli Oesterle for his work with the Schwabinger Kunstpreis. Uli Oesterle lives and works in Munich.

Website von Uli OesterleUli Oesterle bei Carlsen