Tanja Esch
Tanja Esch, born in Hanau in 1988, studied at HAW Hamburg and works as an illustrator and comic artist. Her children's comic "Supercool" was awarded the Hans Meid Prize for Book Illustration in 2017. In addition to the comic "Du kannst natürlich noch heute hier schlafen" (both Jaja Verlag), the series "So un annersrüm. Das kleine Hamburg-Buch der Gegensätze" and "Plattkinner. Neue plattdeutsche Songs für Hamburg und den Norden "(authors: Wiebke Colmorgen and Hardy Kayser,both Junius Verlag), Klett Kinderbuch published her first own picture book "Wahrheit oder Quatsch?". For Kibitz she created the detective comic "Ulf und das Rätsel um die Neue" as well as "Boris, Babette und lauter Skelette", which received the German Youth Literature Prize in 2023 and is nominated as "Best Comic for Children" at the Max und Moritz Awards. She is currently working on the detective rally "Ulf und der Fall Max & Moritz" for the children's comic festival of the International Comic Salon 2024, and the next exciting case of Ulf, Tita and their friends will be published by Kibitz in autumn 2024. Tanja Esch lives in Hamburg, where she is co-organiser of "Kinder lieben Comics!", Erlangen's partner comic festival for young readers.