Thomas Gronle
Thomas Gronle (Legron) was born near Stuttgart in 1970. He studied at the University of Arts in Saarbrücken and at the Comic Institute St. Luc in Brussels, Belgium. After his studies he moved to Berlin and joined the artist group MOGA MOBO in 1999. Together with Titus Ackermann and Jonas Greulich he works as freelance illustrator and comic artist for advertising agencies and clients across Germany in their shared MOGA MOBO STUDIO. He designs animated series for television and online games for the web. His online comic "The Adventures of Dr. Nordten" won the GOLDEN AVATAR at the Frankfurt book fair (2003). Moga Mobo won the Max and Moritz award at the Erlangen international Comic Salon / best german publication (2002). He works on his Graphic Novel " The Ritual".