Christian Schmiedbauer
Christian Schmiedbauer, aka Landrömer, lives in Augsburg on the banks of the river Lech. As a master craftsman in the design department of the Fachoberschule Augsburg and as a professional comic artist, he is a (graphic) storyteller. Schmiedbauer's comic "Kauboi und Kaktus" appears in the newspapers a3Kultur as well as Revolverblatt and is listed among the eleven best German webcomics by Spiegel online. The "Kauboi und Kaktus" book (the first comic book with a soundtrack) "Süßwasserpiraten" was published by Jaja-Verlag. Schmiedbauer will be presenting his first English-language comic "Art in the Heart" as well as his latest T-shirt collection at the Comic Salon.