Patrick Wirbeleit
Since 2001, Patrick Wirbeleit has written and/or illustrated more than 60 books for children: Picture books, first readers, Pixi books, novels and comics. His comic "Kiste" with illustrations by Uwe Heidschötter and the picture book "Antonia war schon mal da" (illustration: Max Fiedler, Reprodukt) were honoured with the Leipzig Reading Compass from Stiftung Lesen. "Kiste" also received the Max and Moritz Award for "Best Comic for Children" in 2016. In addition to the Kiste comics and books, Kibitz also publishes his series "Haus Nr. 8" (drawings: Sascha Wüstefeld) and "Gorm Grimm" (drawings: Kim Schmidt) as well as the comic adventures "Was zur Hölle?!", "Das unsichtbare Raumschiff" (with Matthew Andrews and Uwe Heidschötter) and "Weltraumpolizistin Oma Gurke" (drawings: Stephan Lomp), which is nominated for the "Best Comic for Children" at the Max and Moritz Prize in 2024. Patrick Wirbeleit regularly organises readings and workshops. He is the initiator of the Carl Buch Prize for the best children's book cover illustration and the "bunte hunte" congress for children's book illustration.