Zehn Jahre Comic-Förderung in Deutschland: Eine kritische Zwischenbilanz
© Georg Pöhlein
Sonntag, 02.06.2024
14:00 UhrOrt: Schlossgarden, and via livestream
with Salon-Ticket – free admission!
Panel discussion with Axel Halling, Bianca Henze, Thilo Krapp, Andreas Platthaus, Bela Sobottke and Birgit Weyhe; Moderator: Lars von Törne
For the past ten years, there has been a significant comic funding initiative in Germany through the Comic Book Prize of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung and public programmes supported by federal and state governments. What has it achieved so far, and where does it fall short? Comic artists, journalists, and representatives from the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung, the Illustratoren Organisation, and the Deutsche Comicverein will provide a critical assessment.