AfriComics – Perspektiven der Zukunft

© Derek Amoa

Saturday, June 01 2024
2:30 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Patrice Mballa Asse, Gloria Muluku Mbatu and Mikael Ross; Moderator: Heike Friesel (in English)

Two artists from Africa present an anthology of African comics and their creation: Patrice Mballa Asse from Cameroon and Gloria Muluku Mbatu from the Democratic Republic of Congo share their experiences with the multi-year project "AfriComics," a regional initiative of the Goethe-Institut in Africa. Fourteen artists from fourteen countries present their very different perspectives on topics such as slavery and colonialism, alternative pasts, and more or less reconciliatory future options. Mikael Ross, who has led some of the workshops for the project, also shares his experiences.