Nando von Arb
Nando von Arb, *1992, lives and works in Zurich (CH). He has been a trained graphic designer since 2012. In 2018 he completed his Bachelor's degree in Illustration Fiction at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In 2020, he completed a Master's degree in Illustration at the LUCA School of Arts in Ghent, Belgium. His first graphic novel "Drei Väter" (Edition Moderne, 2019) was awarded the Swiss Children's and Youth Book Prize 2020, a recognition grant from the Department of Culture of the Canton of Zurich and a prize from the zeugindesign Foundation. His second book "Fürchten lernen" was published in fall 2023.
Website von Nando von ArbNando von Arb bei InstagramNando von Arb bei Edition Moderne