Edition Moderne präsentiert: Der Lesemarathon

© Edition Moderne

Saturday, June 01 2024
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
Venue: Markgrafentheater, Oberes Foyer

mit Salon-Ticket Eintritt frei!

Comic readings by Rina Jost, Andreas Kiener, Lika Nüssli, Elizabeth Pich, Vinz Schwarzbauer, Anna Sommer, Nando von Arb and Anja Wicki

So old and so fresh! Edition Moderne is the oldest independent comic publisher in the German-speaking world and has been publishing the avant-garde of the genre since 1981. In the reading marathon, a selection of Edition Moderne authors provide insights into their work. Afterwards, there will be time for signings and conversations.

With the support of Pro Helvetia.