Comics gegen Rechts

Saturday, June 01 2024
12:15 PM
Venue: Exhibition Hall D – Redoutensaal, Foyer, 1. OG

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Lara Keilbart, Irem Kurt, Lisa Rau and Barbara Yelin; Moderator: Andreas Prill

Comics gegen Rechts is an independent initiative from the German (indie) comic and manga scene. The action arose from the need for the scene to take a stand against right-wing populism, fascism, racism, and discrimination. It started as an online campaign under the hashtag #comicsgegenrechts and on In the panel, we will discuss its origins, the challenges it faces, and how we can move forward. Feel free to join us and contribute your ideas!

As part of the 21st International Comic Salon, Comic Solidarity presents its own programme in Exhibition Hall D – Redoutensaal.