Der Kleinverlagsgipfel – Deutsche Indieverlage stellen sich vor

Friday, May 31 2024
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
Venue: Kollegienhaus, KH 1.013

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Moderator: Andreas Prill

In addition to the major players in the market, five renowned small publishers will also present themselves to the interested comic audience at the International Comic Salon. Dantes Verlag, Delfinium Prints Intoxicated, Gringo Comics, THENEXTART Verlag, and Weissblech Comics have put together a package of talks and interviews for the Small Publisher Summit that packs a punch: select artists, major publishing anniversaries, hot new releases, plenty of nostalgic feelings, and much more!

3:00 PM Interview with Dantes Verlag – 7th Anniversary
3:30 PM Interview with THENEXTART Verlag – 20th Anniversary
4:00 PM Interview with Weissblech Comics – 25th Anniversary
4:30 PM Interview with Delfinium Prints Intoxicated & Gringo Comics

5:00 PM Status Quo of Small Publishers – How are Indies doing?
Conversation with Holger Bommer, Josua Dantes, David Füleki, Levin Kurio, and Sebastian Schwarzbold; Moderator: Andreas Prill

Sebastian Schwarzbold, Josua Dantes, Holger Bommer, David Füleki, and Levin Kurio share their impressions of the current state of small publishers. What is the audience reading? What should they be reading? What trends are emerging? How was the pandemic handled? What are the challenges for the coming years?