Die Elefantenrunde: Erlangen und der Comic-Markt – Bilanz und Ausblick

© Georg Pöhlein

Sunday, June 02 2024
3:30 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Rita Fürstenau (Rotopol), Markus Iking (Egmont), Claudia Jerusalem (Carlsen Comics), Maximilian Schlegel (Splitter), Johann Ulrich (avant-verlag) and Steffen Volkmer (Panini); Moderator: Alex Jakubowski

What topics have been particularly relevant in the comic scene in the past two years? Are the aftereffects of the Corona pandemic still noticeable? Has the market stabilised? Or do we still have to expect that some publishers will face financial difficulties? After the salon is before the salon: The employees of the publishing houses take stock and look together at the next two years. Because the next Comic Salon is definitely coming: 22nd Erlangen International Comic Salon: 4 to 7 June 2026!