Die Katze des Rabbiners (FR/US 2011)

© Joann Sfar

Saturday, June 01 2024
8:00 PM
Venue: Kulturzentrum E-Werk , Cinema

Eintritt: 11,– / erm. 9,– Euro
mit Salon-Ticket + Kino Eintritt frei!

Animated film, directed by Antoine Delesvaux, Joann Sfar, 100 min, without FSK-information, French original with English subtitles

The Rabbi Abraham Sfar lives with his daughter and their pets in Algeria in the 1920s. As the family’s cheeky parrot is devoured by their cat, the latter is suddenly able to speak. But he only tells lies, makes fun of the Jewish faith and even wishes that a bar mitzvah be held for him. The Rabbi wants to get rid of the cat as soon as possible, but his daughter and the animal are inseparable. Therefore, he decides to teach the cat the fundamentals of Jewish life instead and teaches him the Torah. But then a box arrives, with unexpected contents from Russia… The film adaptation of the popular and award-winning graphic novel from Joann Sfar can be viewed on the silver screen again as part of the retrospective at the Stadtmuseum Erlangen.