Draw for Change – Testimony and Dialogue

© Maremoto

Saturday, June 01 2024
5:00 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Victoria Lomasko, Mar Maremoto and Catherine Vuylsteke; Moderator: Andrea Kuhn (in English)

War, femicides, homophobia, structural violence, populism, and censorship. Six international female artists fearlessly rebel against patriarchal structures and political regimes. With humor, acumen, and originality, their political drawings document world events, make the invisible visible, and paint a picture of a better world. In conversation with Andrea Kuhn, artists Victoria Lomasko from Russia and Mar Maremoto from Mexico, as well as author Catherine Vuylsteke, who captured the life stories of the six "Draw for Change!" artists in the book of the same name, discuss the power of political drawings and the necessity of feminist social critique.