Ein Comicmuseum für Erlangen? Status und Ausblick

© Harald-Hofmann

Friday, May 31 2024
12:00 PM
Venue: Exhibition Hall D – Redoutensaal, Foyer, 1st Floor

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Lecture by Bernd Hillmeier, Lisa Neun and Arne Schielzeth

A comic museum in Erlangen has been a frequently discussed idea since the beginning of the millennium. At the end of 2018, a small group of comic enthusiasts came together to bring this dream closer to reality. Was it naivety or courage? Doomed to fail or a potential success story? We want to share where we currently stand and discuss how we could move forward.

As part of the 21st International Comic Salon, Comic Solidarity presents its own programme at their fair booth D 128 in the foyer of Exhibition Hall D – Redoutensaal.