Historisches Erzählen – Geschichte(n) in Panels

© Tobi Dahmen / Carlsen Verlag GmbH, Hamburg 2024

Friday, May 31 2024
5:30 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Tobi Dahmen, Lika Nüssli and Charlotte Schallié; Moderator: Alex Jakubowski

Whether it's about one's own father's wartime past, the fate of Jewish families during World War II, the history of the RAF, or even the early years of a family member, non-fictional subjects have been in vogue for quite some time. Adapting oral history or researched historical documents into images is a way to approach one's own past and present it to a wide audience. We provide insight into the creative processes and challenges that must be overcome when telling true stories.