Hör nur, schöne Márcia

Cover Illustration Hör nur, schöne Márcia
Cover Illustration Hör nur, schöne Márcia
© Marcello Quintanilha / Reprodukt 2023

Hör nur, schöne Márcia byMarcello Quintanilha

Translation: Lea Hübner


Reading Extract

"Hör nur, schöne Márcia" has everything you need for a captivating story: The intense conflict between a mother and a daughter. A favela in Rio de Janeiro as an explosive setting. A drug war for the action. At first glance, the tensions between mother and daughter are surprising, because Márcia and Jaqueline look alike on the outside: Both are overweight, quick-tempered and very loud. And yet they are very different: the nurse Márcia sacrifices herself for the others. Jaqueline is the mistress of a small-time drug lord. It is breathtaking how skilfully the Brazilian Marcello Quintanilha combines the mother-daughter drama with the social thriller, providing a gripping insight into the darker side of today's Brazil. Quintanilha's drawings are always in motion and the colours are expressive. His Rio is bathed in unrealistically bright colours and the characters' skin glows purple. These colours intensify the fever pitch of the story until we reach an ending that is as harsh as it is conciliatory.