Inspiriert vom Leben – Wie der Alltag zu eigenen Comics und Büchern anregen kann

© Schlogger

Sunday, June 02 2024
12:00 PM
Venue: Exhibition Hall D – Redoutensaal, Foyer, 1st Floor

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Lecture and comic reading by Schlogger

Life is a river, and ideas are everywhere. Yeah, okay, but what does that mean specifically? Johanna "Schlogger" Baumann shares her life as a comic artist and how various situations have motivated her to create over 15 comics and books. From everyday life to idea to book. From working with publishers to self-publishing with her own shop. It's about separation, culture of dispute, living with children, anxiety disorders, joint custody, and Star Wars. Followed by a signing session.

As part of the 21st International Comic Salon, Comic Solidarity presents its own programme at their fair booth D 128 in the foyer of Exhibition Hall D – Redoutensaal.