Jüdischsein im Comic

© DARGAUD, by Sfar / avant-verlag, 2023

Sunday, June 02 2024
11:00 AM
Venue: Stadtmuseum

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Kalina Kupczynska and Véronique Sina

Whether it's "Klezmer," "Die Katze des Rabbiners," "Chagall in Russland," "Die kleine Welt des Golem," or "Die Synagoge" – many comics by the internationally renowned French comic artist and filmmaker Joann Sfar revolve around questions of Jewish culture and identity. In a discussion about Sfar's work and its contexts, comic researchers Kalina Kupczynska and Véronique Sina explore how Jewishness is staged in comics, delving into the numerous points of intersection between "comicality and Jewishness."