Manga Boom: Die neue deutsche Mangawelle

© Georg Pöhlein

Friday, May 31 2024
6:30 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Joachim Kaps (Altraverse), Susanne Hellweg (Tokyopop), Katinka Kornacker (CEO COMIX – Comicbuchhandlung Hannover), Kai-Steffen Schwarz (Carlsen Manga) and Marco Walz (Egmont Manga); Moderator: Alex Jakubowski

Two out of three comics sold in Germany are now manga. Book and comic retail have seen tremendous growth rates in recent years, with a recent increase in sales of almost 40 percent. But what are the reasons behind this trend? Who are the readers? What role do German mangaka play? What's especially trending? And what are the publishers doing to further expand the ongoing boom?