Manga-Szene Deutschland – Wo stehen wir, wo geht es hin?

© Georg Pöhlein

Saturday, June 01 2024
12:00 PM
Venue: Orangerie im Schlossgarten, and via livestream

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Panel discussion with Daniel Eichinger, David Füleki, Mim (Pushcart), Racami and Gin Zarbo; Moderator: Joachim Kaps

For over twenty years, manga has also been produced in the German-speaking region. With the countless series, books, magazines, and online comics that have been published by both major publishers and in the independent scene during this time, local production in this area is indeed one step ahead of other European countries. What drives the mangaka in our region, and under what conditions do they work and produce? What do they think about where the local scene stands today and where it can still develop? Joachim Kaps, the founder of the altraverse publishing house, discusses these questions with artists Daniel Eichinger, David Füleki, Mim (Pushcart), Racami, and Gin Zarbo.