Wick Comics – Ulrich Wick
Espenstr. 5 b, 35428 Langgöns
Tel. +49 64 03 / 7 55 11
Hall AStand16
Fair Exhibitor
Founded in 1999, Wick Comics is celebrating its 25th anniversary this October. In addition to the long-completed series "Karl May", "Der rote Ritter" and "Frank Sels Archiv", the "Silberpfeil" series by Frank Sels (currently 77 issues and 3 special volumes) and "Phantom" are still running. The latter is a 12-volume series of episodes created for BASTEI by Peter Mennigen (text) and José María Ortiz Tafalla (drawings). Eight issues have been published up to the Comic Salon, the missing four will follow by the end of the year. Four ERSEL albums have also been published.