Über MAUS hinaus. Judenhass, Shoah und Israel im Comic. Von Krigstein über Kichka bis Joann Sfar

Sunday, June 02 2024
11:30 AM
Venue: Kollegienhaus, KH 1.013

Gesellschaft für Comicforschung website

with Salon-Ticket – free admission!

Lecture by Martin Frenzel (Darmstadt)

Art Spiegelman's milestone "Maus" was by no means the first Holocaust comic – and certainly not the last. Bernard Krigstein's Shoah comic "Master Race" from 1955 demonstrates how far back the tradition goes. The new comic "Je n’ai pas oublié" ("I will never forget") from France addresses for the first time the "Holocaust der Kugeln" at Babyn Yar and elsewhere in Ukraine. The presentation also addresses the currently increasing anti-Semitism and the consequences of Hamas terror from October 7, 2023, including Michel Kichka's "Zweite Generation" and his successful Israel comics, Guy Deslisle's "Jerusalem," Sarah Glidden's "Israel verstehen in 60 Tagen oder weniger," the Dutch comic "Tel Israel," and Joann Sfar's autobiographical opus "Die Synagoge."

Moderator: Clemens Heydenreich

Presented by the Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor e. V.)